He loves being around his baby sister Maia, playing with her and taking care of her. He often wants to hug her, to kiss her, to show her toys and how to play with them, to talk to her. He seems to have gotten even more close to her these last few weeks, more loving. It's so wonderful to see. He likes taking pictures with her. Here are a few:
He LOVES pretending and imitating. He often pretends to be a pirate of one sort or another, usually from any of the Pirates of the Carribean movies. He has a few pirates costumes that he likes to make use of when he remembers he has them.
He also likes pretending he is an insect, USUALLY a spider. He was amused when I showed him the orb weavers out in the garden, and the spiders that make little tunnels in the bushes. This is him pretending he is an orb weaver spider with a tunnel, that just caught a fly.
Here, Liam is wearing his sunglasses Guy Fieri style. I had pointed this style out while watching "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" on TV, and Liam found it amusing. He often puts on his sunglasses in the back and declares himself to be like Guy. Heh..
During a summer BBQ at my parents place, the weather turned wet and drippy. Liam and my Dad had been enjoying Liam's little pool, but the rain chased them out of the pool and under the umbrella to dry out...
...well, at least for a while. Then Liam totally got into splashing around on the patio, in the rain drops, getting completely soaked. I swear he was more wet in the rain than he was in the pool. He had so much fun jumping around, doing little dance moves, and going crazy.
And finally, a picture of Liam with his pirate Mickey, because Liam asked me to take one with it. heh.
Here are some random things about him I love:
- He loves being the bad guy from pretty much any movie. If a new movie is on, he quickly establishes who the bad guy is and pretends to be that person.
- He says "Willy Wonker" instead of Willy Wonka. heh.
- Everything can be a pirate ship or a spider web in our house (and outside it).
- He tries to tickle Maia by just barely touching her, as if he is afraid to hurt her.
- He loves Davy Jones and Blackbeard almost as much as Captain Jack Sparrow.
- He has a great giggle.
- He likes being helpful.
- He is good about cleaning up his toys, especially the ones in the living room, and he often does it without prompting.
- He pretends to be a "baby" something (spider, bird, seahorse, mouse, etc) and I am the "mommy" something.
- When he pretends that we are all pirates, Maia is never a pirate because "she is too nice".
- He has a desire to please us in a task. For example, when he eats all the food on his plate, he loves to show us.
- He also likes to "win" at eating...meaning he finishes eating first. (sometimes this comes in handy in getting to eat something)
- He has any number of swords and such that he shoves into the band of his pants, pretending they are in a scabbard. OR finding something that acts as a scabbard that he then shoves a "sword" into and puts all of THAT into his pants.
- He picks out his own clothes sometimes, and really likes picking out his own pajamas (although sometimes it means going through a new one every night)
- He puts his pajamas in the hamper without being told (though he tends to do this after one night of wearing them, so again, he goes through them quickly).
- He loves lighting touching Maia's fuzzy hair (it's just growing back in), and exclaiming about how soft it is.
I just realized that I could go on and on and would still forget a lot of stuff, and you still wouldn't get the complete idea of who he is, what he is like. God, I love him!