Liam's Ticker


Liam's Pictures

Check out Liam's Pictures and info on Mommy's Website. (Journal entries from birth to 3 years, plus easy index of photos by month/year)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Our Family

While at Daycare, Liam drew a picture of our family. I didn't actually realize he could draw something that could be identified as a person. Probably because I have never asked him to draw stuff like that while at home. Shame on me. But after seeing this, I totally want to see him draw more pictures.

Anyway, this is a picture of the four of us. Can you guess which one I am?
(Hint, I am not either of the two little ones...Liam and Maia...nor the one that is supposed to be Matt on the far right...heh)

Friday, October 21, 2011

All Pirate, All the Time

Couldn't help sharing this picture of Liam...he totally loves pretending to be a pirate. And not just any pirate, but one of the big ones from "Pirates of the Caribbean"...any of the movies. Usually Davy Jones, but also Blackbeard or, as pictured here, Captain Jack Sparrow. Occassionaly Barbosa, but he specifies "Barbosa with the peg leg". He's got a thing for peg legs. Ha.