That's not Liam. Liam has been picking out his clothes for a while now, and EVERY single time he matches. He is good at finding actual sets that go together, but he is also good at making sure the pants color goes with the shirt color. I don't remember ever teaching him that, and he certainly didn't get it from Matt, who tends to pick out non-matching clothes for Liam. I recently asked Liam about how he picked out matching clothes, and he said that he just looked at the colors in the shirt and the colors of the pants.
Like this...he noticed black on the shirt sleeves, and so picked out black pants. He said that he didn't have red pants, but that if he did it would be TOO much red.
Liam has also gotten into more of a helping phase. All yesterday he followed me around, wanting to help with things. Wanting to clean up, wanting to maybe wash dishes, wanting to do anything to get the chores done. And at one point he even offered to clean something up so that I could knit instead. So awesome. He also offered to change Maia's diaper. He said that he didn't know how to change a poopy diaper but if I taught him how then he would know and then he could do it, so I should try teaching him. How sweet is that! I thanked him profusely but said that he should just stick to pee diapers and that MAYBE I would let him do a few diapers (don't think he knows what he is getting into).