Graduate, you ask? Is he old enough to be a graduate of something? Apparently...because he just had a graduation ceremony for moving from Pre-K to Kindergarten. It was kind of cute, hosted by his Daycare. All the kids were wearing little caps and gowns and tassels. They got called up and got diplomas and gave their parents little flowers. They sang a Kindergarten song and recited a poem. There was a PowerPoint presentation showing everything they had done for the last year. And they even gave out awards of achievement to the kids...Liam was one of the Class Comedians. *sigh* *heh* I surprisingly didn't tear up, but it's crazy to think that he will be in Kindergarten next year. REAL school! Holy crap! If I blink for too long, he might be graduating High School!
(please check back, I still have to post pictures)
(7/24/12 - see post above for the pictures!!!!)
(7/24/12 - see post above for the pictures!!!!)