Every day Liam amazes me, and fills my life with joy, and I feel like I should be able to write tons and tons of stuff on my blog. But when I try to think of what to post about, I have trouble coming up with things to write. Not because there isn't really anything...but because there is so much that is all little stuff that I don't know how I should be picking and choosing...it all seems so random. The little stuff is definitely what matters, and what is important. But it seems odd to put out a post that describes Liam's random comment during a meal, or the way his hair stuck up when he got up this morning (just out on the sides, like wings), or the way he gets a wry look on his face at times that makes him seem so much older than his just-under-four-years self. I wonder if people care to read that stuff...while it's noteworthy to me, does it fall into that category for others (not that anyone probably reads this much, heh...still...I am making a point here)? Do people want to hear that Liam's new favorite movie is "Despicable Me" but that he calls it "Dupickled Smee"? And that he quotes it, and acts out parts of it? I think it cute every time he does, but it loses impact when just written and maybe doesn't make for good posting material.
So...if you don't see me posting about Liam for chunks at a time...don't assume that there is nothing going on in his life. It's that there is always something, but it's something little...every single day. And it's really hard to post about that, without boring the tears out of people (at least, I think it is).
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