(holding onto the "mast" of his ship, while standing on the "crow's nest") (he's a big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, and he loves the opening scene with Jack Sparrow on his little boat/ship)
Liam's Pictures
Check out Liam's Pictures and info on Mommy's Website. (Journal entries from birth to 3 years, plus easy index of photos by month/year)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
(Captain of his ship)

(holding onto the "mast" of his ship, while standing on the "crow's nest") (he's a big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, and he loves the opening scene with Jack Sparrow on his little boat/ship)
(holding onto the "mast" of his ship, while standing on the "crow's nest") (he's a big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, and he loves the opening scene with Jack Sparrow on his little boat/ship)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Pirate Party
Running short on time, so it will be a quick post. Just wanted to share some pictures from Liam's Pirate Birthday Party (Arrrrr!). It was rather hectic, with all the people there (30+ people!) so I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I had planned. I will have to get some more from my mom and sisters, and maybe actually get around to updating Liam's main picture site with them. (yeah, I know, I am almost a year behind on that now...doh).
Pirate games were played. I completely didn't take a picture of the "Pin The Patch On The Pirate" game, but Matt had drawn a large pirate on a cardboard background, and all the kids had black paper eye patches to try to stick over the pirate's eye. They were all blind-folded, which Liam didn't like and promptly took off so that he could place his eye patch appropriately...which apparently WASN'T over the pirate's eye but over his chest. *sigh* I won't claim Liam as my child for THAT one (usually you do BETTER when you cheat). Alia won that one, followed by Connor.
Second we had "Feed The Shark", a beanbag toss game. I DO have pictures from that one.

We kind of forgot to keep track for this one...it was so much fun that the kids just kept tossing over and over again. I think Connor and Alia again had more (those kids must get a lot of party-game practice in), but no one really cared.
And finally, we had "Dig For Buried Treasure". I didn't take pictures of any of the kids actually digging for the treasure, as I was helping to take the "treasure" as the kids found it to give them a better chance...but here is the bowl they were digging through.

Buried in the "sand" (uncooked rice) was "treasure" (individually wrapped life savers). Each of the kids was blind-folded and had 30 seconds to dig their hands through it and feel for the treasure, and I would take it from them to let them continue digging faster. I think Xander won this one, finding 9 or so. Liam...well, let's just say this wasn't his game...Grandmom helped him find the ones he managed to get. Eh...guess he just isn't a party-game player just yet. At least, he has no real interest in them. But everyone else certainly had fun.
Okay, onward to the cake. A cake befitting a pirate captain celebrating his birthday.



Some of Captain Liam's booty!

All in all, in was a good pirate party, and Liam was very happy. I love you, Liam. Happy Birthday!
Pirate games were played. I completely didn't take a picture of the "Pin The Patch On The Pirate" game, but Matt had drawn a large pirate on a cardboard background, and all the kids had black paper eye patches to try to stick over the pirate's eye. They were all blind-folded, which Liam didn't like and promptly took off so that he could place his eye patch appropriately...which apparently WASN'T over the pirate's eye but over his chest. *sigh* I won't claim Liam as my child for THAT one (usually you do BETTER when you cheat). Alia won that one, followed by Connor.
Second we had "Feed The Shark", a beanbag toss game. I DO have pictures from that one.
We kind of forgot to keep track for this one...it was so much fun that the kids just kept tossing over and over again. I think Connor and Alia again had more (those kids must get a lot of party-game practice in), but no one really cared.
And finally, we had "Dig For Buried Treasure". I didn't take pictures of any of the kids actually digging for the treasure, as I was helping to take the "treasure" as the kids found it to give them a better chance...but here is the bowl they were digging through.
Buried in the "sand" (uncooked rice) was "treasure" (individually wrapped life savers). Each of the kids was blind-folded and had 30 seconds to dig their hands through it and feel for the treasure, and I would take it from them to let them continue digging faster. I think Xander won this one, finding 9 or so. Liam...well, let's just say this wasn't his game...Grandmom helped him find the ones he managed to get. Eh...guess he just isn't a party-game player just yet. At least, he has no real interest in them. But everyone else certainly had fun.
Okay, onward to the cake. A cake befitting a pirate captain celebrating his birthday.
All in all, in was a good pirate party, and Liam was very happy. I love you, Liam. Happy Birthday!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Today is a very special day. It's March 10th.
Four years ago today, my son was born, and I became a mother. It seems an eternity ago, so much has happened with him. He's grown up so quick, and so big. No longer a little baby or even toddler, but a little boy. And it seems like he won't be little for much longer. The things he says, the things he remembers, the concepts he grasps, the imagination he has...it's all so amazing. It just blows my mind. I am so proud of him.

...is now this...

(sorry for poor quality, will upload better one when I can get one)
I could go on and on about him, but where do I stop? There is just so much to tell about him, so much to share. I suddenly am overwhelmed with how much there is to share. His love of pirates and everything Pirates of the Caribbean. His love of firetrucks and rescue vehicles. The way he smiles. His hugs, and his kisses. His reasoning, and lack thereof. The way he snores softly when asleep. How he dresses and undresses himself, and even how he uses the potty like a big boy. His imagination, his point of view, and his memory of things. All unbelieveable. Completely...
Four years ago today, my son was born, and I became a mother. It seems an eternity ago, so much has happened with him. He's grown up so quick, and so big. No longer a little baby or even toddler, but a little boy. And it seems like he won't be little for much longer. The things he says, the things he remembers, the concepts he grasps, the imagination he has...it's all so amazing. It just blows my mind. I am so proud of him.
...is now this...
(sorry for poor quality, will upload better one when I can get one)
I could go on and on about him, but where do I stop? There is just so much to tell about him, so much to share. I suddenly am overwhelmed with how much there is to share. His love of pirates and everything Pirates of the Caribbean. His love of firetrucks and rescue vehicles. The way he smiles. His hugs, and his kisses. His reasoning, and lack thereof. The way he snores softly when asleep. How he dresses and undresses himself, and even how he uses the potty like a big boy. His imagination, his point of view, and his memory of things. All unbelieveable. Completely...
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