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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pirate Party

Running short on time, so it will be a quick post. Just wanted to share some pictures from Liam's Pirate Birthday Party (Arrrrr!). It was rather hectic, with all the people there (30+ people!) so I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I had planned. I will have to get some more from my mom and sisters, and maybe actually get around to updating Liam's main picture site with them. (yeah, I know, I am almost a year behind on that now...doh).

Pirate games were played. I completely didn't take a picture of the "Pin The Patch On The Pirate" game, but Matt had drawn a large pirate on a cardboard background, and all the kids had black paper eye patches to try to stick over the pirate's eye. They were all blind-folded, which Liam didn't like and promptly took off so that he could place his eye patch appropriately...which apparently WASN'T over the pirate's eye but over his chest. *sigh* I won't claim Liam as my child for THAT one (usually you do BETTER when you cheat). Alia won that one, followed by Connor.

Second we had "Feed The Shark", a beanbag toss game. I DO have pictures from that one.

We kind of forgot to keep track for this was so much fun that the kids just kept tossing over and over again. I think Connor and Alia again had more (those kids must get a lot of party-game practice in), but no one really cared.

And finally, we had "Dig For Buried Treasure". I didn't take pictures of any of the kids actually digging for the treasure, as I was helping to take the "treasure" as the kids found it to give them a better chance...but here is the bowl they were digging through.

Buried in the "sand" (uncooked rice) was "treasure" (individually wrapped life savers). Each of the kids was blind-folded and had 30 seconds to dig their hands through it and feel for the treasure, and I would take it from them to let them continue digging faster. I think Xander won this one, finding 9 or so. Liam...well, let's just say this wasn't his game...Grandmom helped him find the ones he managed to get. Eh...guess he just isn't a party-game player just yet. At least, he has no real interest in them. But everyone else certainly had fun.

Okay, onward to the cake. A cake befitting a pirate captain celebrating his birthday.



Some of Captain Liam's booty!

All in all, in was a good pirate party, and Liam was very happy. I love you, Liam. Happy Birthday!

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