What can I say about Liam? There are just so many things, but they tend to be small everyday things...things he says, the way he says them, the things he notices, some small interaction with his sister...it's hard to write about them because they are so numerous it's hard to remember them all, and just one of them doesn't seem all that amazing to write about if you don't know him well enough to know it's special...and most of you reading this (ha ha...if anyone reads this) don't see him day in and day out.
But I will do my best to share his awesomeness.
He is so great with his sister. A bit rambunctious at times, over-loving, but he is like that with all things. She sometimes gets annoyed at his excess attentions, especially in the hug department, but mostly she loves seeing him and being around him, and watching/hearing him. He loves showing her how to play with toys, handing toys to her, praising her for things that she does, getting her a burp cloth and wiping up her chin (yes, he will do this for her), retrieving her pacifier, and generally just hang around her. Occasionally he asks to put her on his lap, but since she is getting pretty big and sits upright now, those requests will probably stop.
I took him to Target to pick out a Christmas present for Maia, which he did happily. He immediately picked out a house that has lots of switches and buttons and such for her to learn from. On Christmas morning, that was the first present he grabbed, taking it over to her and helping her to open it and then show her how it worked. He didn't even care about his presents first. He was tickled about the idea of giving her a gift.
He still loves bad guys, and pirates even more. Anything having to do with Pirates of the Caribbean is awesome to him. He loves Davy Jones and Blackbeard the most, but Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard are a close second. He also loves the Kraken, and pretending to be the Kraken and attaching his many pirates ships. He loves talking about the ships, and has a personal favorite love for the Flying Dutchman. He got a Lego set of the Black Pearl and was thrilled to put it together with Daddy.
It's so hard to explain how he speaks. I mean, it's probably just the same as any other almost-5-year-old. But to me it's neat to hear him talk the way he does, expressing the ideas that he does, understanding the concepts that he does. His reasoning, his feelings, and his theories. He appreciates my knitting (just today he complimented me on the sweater I had knit for Maia, recognizing that she was wearing something knit by me...and he has also asked me to knit him a Mailbox Monster - more on that in a later post when I have pictures of the one I am currently knitting). I got a new ball winder and swift and he gladly helped me use it.
I was eating tacos at dinner, and upon taking a bite, the whole taco shell shattered and spilled everything onto my plate. I made a loud annoyed noise, and Liam asked me what was wrong. Upon explaining that my taco shell had broken up, he said "well, that's just what tacos DO!", as if it was a completely normal thing and I should KNOW that.
He has a fascination with drawing, as well, although sometimes his drawings feature things like tornados. Heh. Here is a drawing he did for me, with the Grinch in it (and then him modeling his Grinch shirt).
Okay, now I am blanking on details. I KNOW I have so much more to talk about. I just suddenly can't think. It IS late, and I spent today going through lots of pictures and posting two other blog posts, trying to remember what has been going on. I will definitely have to post more about Liam, as memory returns to me, and as he does stuff. For now, though, here are some more pictures of my wonderful son.
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